About Us
The finest independent real estate company
The company specializes in delivering high performance
The finest independent real estate company
The company specializes in delivering high performance
Humble Roots, Big Ideas
Donec non cursus dolor. Sed eget aliquam ante. Suspendisse hendrerit tristique fringilla. Quisque malesuada turpis in massa laoreet mollis. Etiam placerat arcu in nibh vestibulum, sit amet vestibulum orci tempus. Praesent ut fermentum quam. Integer nec ornare diam, et convallis turpis. Integer vitae diam velit. Aenean leo ipsum, interdum non nunc at, ornare molestie nulla. Nulla consequat est lectus, nec pretium metus pretium nec. Nunc sed ante blandit, sodales ipsum vitae, ultricies sem.
Big Ideas, Humble Roots
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut luctus, velit vitae ultrices blandit, risus orci pulvinar lacus, id sodales ligula erat eget sem. Duis luctus posuere dolor, id aliquam dui efficitur eget. Morbi varius eget odio ut facilisis. Maecenas pulvinar, ante sit amet dapibus suscipit, quam diam malesuada justo, ut placerat magna sapien a libero. Fusce ultrices tortor aliquet tellus semper luctus. Sed congue mi nunc, eget molestie diam malesuada at. Mauris vitae nunc feugiat, consectetur massa non, vulputate eros. Mauris pretium ipsum eget molestie vehicula. Integer nec suscipit ipsum, vitae convallis lacus. Donec eu felis nec lorem auctor bibendum sed et mi.
"Your Life, Your Style"
GTS is a leading provider of real estate websites, CRM, lead management, and marketing solutions for real estate broker and media companies worldwide. GTS develops powers and supports the Affinity Global Real Estate Platform
Lead Control and Marketing Service
Gabriels Technology Solutions (GTS) is an industry leading e-commerce provider. The company specializes in delivering high performance, search engine optimized websites and applications. GTS develops, powers, and manages solutions for the most recognizable real estate brands and media properties worldwide with expertise in advanced search technology, custom software development, mission-critical hosting services and data management.
Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Manhattan with operations is Romania and India, GTS is a leading provider of real estate websites, CRM, lead management, and marketing solutions for real estate broker and media companies worldwide. GTS develops powers and supports the Affinity Global Real Estate Platform, and the Xcelerate CRM, Lead Control and Marketing Service.
Career Opportunities
GTS is a leading provider of real estate websites, CRM, lead management, and marketing solutions for real estate broker and media companies worldwide. GTS develops powers and supports the Affinity Global Real Estate Platform
GTS is a leading provider of real estate websites, CRM, lead management, and marketing solutions for real estate broker and media companies worldwide. GTS develops powers and supports the Affinity Global Real Estate Platform